The Other Writer’s Problem…

Everyone knows about writer’s block but we rarely talk about the other writer’s issue: Writer’s Jam. If you’ve never heard of it that is because I just defined it myself. It’s like a rare, ugly bug everyone sees but no one knows what to call it. It’s like you’re afraid if it actually has a name it is actually something legitimate instead of just the ugly, putrid ten-legged monster from Hell that you know it to be. The first step to cure is acknowledgement and the exterminator won’t come if you don’t admit you have a putrid, ugly bug in your house. You can’t fix what you won’t admit.

So, just recently I found myself in the middle of just such a situation. My first book is out; I need another one on the market, yesterday. I’ve got two older books that just need a little spit-shine. I need to blog. I need to do my social media. I need to let my subscribers know I am still alive. I need to check my groups. I need to start on a new project that is completely different and innovative and excites me beyond measure. I need to do all these things and–more importantly–I want to do all these things … NOW.

Needless to say, that kind of creativity jam will run you straight into a brick wall. When you agitate your creativity in an effort to get the work out, the agitation can only lead to chaos. You become a whirling dervish of madness—spinning out of control, making no sense and making no ground. You may as well be doing nothing. In fact, you may do less damage by doing nothing.

I took a break from my spinning and after stopping I bobbed around, arms out, trying to regain my balance and figure out where I was and what was happening. That’s when I acknowledged the terrible truth: You’re supposed to multi-task to actually get multiple things done; not to multiply your many tasks several times over to the point where it’s impossible to finish anything. Eureka!

Forget multi-tasking. I can handle two tasks. I’ll call it couple-tasking. I’ll start with revising one manuscript and completing one blog post. Wow, already down to one. That feels pretty good, and I’m not dizzy at all. 🙂

Ava BleuThe Diva of Peddler’s Creek
The Wild Rose Press
Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Love

  1. Calisa Rhose

    June 1, 2011 at 10:26 am

    I DO THIS!!! I don’t feel completely out of control, but I do feel it slipping gears now and then. Thanks for the cure!

  2. Delaney Diamond

    June 1, 2011 at 10:35 am

    I’m a list maker. That’s the best way I’ve found to get through those periods when I feel overwhelmed with too much going on.

  3. Ava Bleu

    June 1, 2011 at 12:01 pm

    Phew! Was afraid I’d put this out there and found out I was the only one! 🙂

  4. Beth Trissel

    June 1, 2011 at 1:52 pm

    I’m in the same jam!~Not sure what to do first and don’t seem to get much of anything accomplished. Trying to make myself focus on one task at a time…trying…

  5. Mona Risk

    June 1, 2011 at 5:53 pm

    Ava, are you talking about you or me? LOL Writer’s jam is the story of my life. One book out needs promo, another is in FLE, the third just submitted, finishing a fourth. DH wants a vacation -huh? Daughter wants me to babysit, she’s too busy but Mom is retired -huh?
    BTW I followed you, can you follow me please?

  6. Caroline Clemmons

    June 1, 2011 at 7:57 pm

    Ava, you are talking about me! I recently had to divest myself of some ouside duties so that I could focus–oops, whirled off again there–more on my writing. It’s so easy to go off on a tangent. Good for you for unjamming yourself. Could you come to my house, please, and do the same for me?

  7. Ava Bleu

    June 1, 2011 at 8:56 pm

    Thanks, ladies. I’m following you, too.
    Much love,

  8. Rebecca J. Clark

    June 3, 2011 at 5:34 pm

    You’re talking about me, I’m sure of it. I haven’t had a book out since early last year, and the more I try to hurry up with another one, the more blocked I get, the messier my house gets, the more overwhelmed I feel. Luckily, I was able to get it together enough to have two books out on submission right now. But everything else is still out of control.

  9. Ava Bleu

    June 4, 2011 at 12:47 am

    Hi Rebecca,
    Two books is great! i say, celebrate each victory and pat yourself on the back. If you’re moving forward at least your headed in the right direction. Best,

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